Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Monkey and The Crocodile 3D Animated English Moral Stories for Kids Cartoons Bedtime Fairy Tales

Here is the Best #moralstoriesforkids watch the story and learn about morals, here is the story ....long ago, there lived a monkey on a tree by side of a river. the tree was always full of fruits, which were very sweet. and once, a crocodile came out of the waters and took rest under the tree on which the monkey lived. and monkey saw the crocodile and taking rest under the tree. he want to make friends with him and offered fruits to the crocodile to eat. the crocodile ate the fruits and felt very happy. he started coming ashore everyday and enjoy the fruits offered by the monkey. soon they became friends. the crocodile asked the monkey for some fruits to take for his wife, she ate fruits and said to her husband, "Dear, if these fruits are so tasty, then the monkey who eats there fruits must be then times tastier, why don't you bring the heart of the monkey for my meals? " the crocodile was unwilling and agreed for her wife, and sadly reached at the monkey and invited for dinner in his home. the monkey happily agreed and both are going to crocodile house.... on the way they are going the crocodile revealed the real intentions to the monkey. the monkey was shocked, He had never expected this type of a request from a friend. He kept cool and said wittingly, "Oh dear! Why didn’t you tell me earlier? It would be my privilege to offer my heart to your charming wife. I usually keep my heart safely in the burrow of the tree. In order to serve my heart to your wife, I have to go back to get my heart.” the foolish crocodile swiftly then swam back to the tree where the monkey lived. on reaching the bank the monkey quickly jumped and climbed up his home tree, then the monkey answered "My dear foolish friend. You've deceived me as a friend. Can any one take out his heart and keep that in a burrow. It was all a trick to save my life and teach a lesson to an unfaithful friend like you. Now go away and don’t ever come back." The crocodile was ashamed for his act and went home with his head bent down.
Here We Can Learn The Best Moral That Is " At Times, Presence of Mind Pays Well.

Watch And Learn Best Morals from these type of #PanchatantraTales And Kids Favorite #BedTimeStories And #CartoonAnimatedStories Watch And Enjoy Learn Grate Moral With 3D Animated #MoralStories

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